Seeing Spots


Gorman lime t-shirt, Finders Keepers 'pretty thing' skirt, ASOS wedges & belt, vintage clutch & necklace

When I saw this skirt, I had no idea how it would look. I have always been quite familiar with the drop back asymmetrical style, but having two lengthy pieces of fabric draping on the sides? I had no clue. So what did I do? Of course, I made it mine. After experimenting with all sorts of combinations - jumpers, singlets, t-shirts, short sleeve blouses, long sleeve blouses, crop tops.. I settled for this casual look. A lime green (love) with navy polka dot t-shirt which as soon as I saw, I fell in love with. The cutesy very-Gorman print gives the good old casual tee a refreshingly girly look and has made me re-think and give t-shirts another chance in my wardrobe. One may say that these two colours put together conjures images of carrots.. but I hope the spots and accessories detract from that particular thought!

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