bottle green


Wearing: wine felt hat, vintage triple collar blouse, vintage bottle green wool jumper, vintage sweater guard, Viparo leather convertible satchel/backpack, Quirky Circus for MinkPink  floral velvet shorts, vintage snowflake bracelet, handmade rings, Voodoo tights and Topshop ACTON buckle boots {Photos by Tom}

Second semester commenced this week and I couldn't have been more annoyed. To start things off, I decided to be super keen and buy my textbooks before the booklist even came out, assuming that the semester 2 texts would be the same as semester 1. Little did I know, I ended up buying the wrong law textbook and almost bought the wrong marketing textbook as both lecturers had decided to mix things around for the semester. I paid $8.00 to park my car for two hours (after driving for one hour) just so I could attend one lecture which didn't end up being so exciting and then two days later I proceeded to spend my first ever 9am-9pm 12hr day at uni. But I really can't complain. I one of those students you like to hate because I've never had more than three days of class or more than 13.5 contact hours. Ever. But I must say the extraordinarily large amount of private study required for my course really does balance things out. Anyway, so I've been wearing both this outfit and various variations of of it almost everywhere and it's about time I captured it on camera for my blog. This kind of look is the epitome of comfort for university. With my campus being extremely windy almost every day and season of the year, shorts are generally the way to go. I have my trusty vintage sweater guard collection to help with the accessorising and it's been a while since I've worn a collared shirt without anything dangling off the collars. This leather bag from Viparo is also great for students as it can double as both a satchel and backpack, allowing us to wear two different styles of bags without having to transfer everything into a new bag!

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