
k is for kani video travel diary gopro hero 4 black -6k is for kani travel diary gopro hero 4 black -1

Watch in HD (click bottom of the screen) for better quality :-)Now this has been a massive labour of love (and frustration!) and my first proper video on YouTube! When I bought my 2012 Macbook Air three years ago it never occurred to me that I might one day use it video editing. Three years later and I tried to do just that, attempting to feed it 4K footage from our new GoPro Hero4 black without realising it would not quite work out.. I eventually found a way around my multiple roadblocks, degrading my video quality to a lower resolution (cries) and making 6 x short 40 second videos (because memory space was lacking) before stitching them together again to finally be able to put together this little moving memory. See the truth is, I've actually filmed footage on every recent overseas trip I've been on (London '12, Europe '13, NZ '14) but have never ever had the time or patience to figure out video editing haha. Video editing is some intense skill set and I know I have so much to learn and improve on. Nevertheless, I'm glad I actually finally did something with our SE Asia filming!So.. click through to see the moving images version of our trip, including exploring the grounds at Padma Resort in Bali and Puri Mas Resort in Sengiggi, snorkelling at Gili Islands, battling intense winds at Halong Bay and buying endless amounts of street food in Hanoi (banh mi in Hanoi is only $1.50 each on the street! Pho is about $2 a bowl!). Enjoy and do let me know if what you'd love to see more of in the next travel video diary I get around to editing!PS. A lot of you have been asking about what I think of the GoPro Hero4 Black ever since this post. I can't say I'm a GoPro expert at all and I've only used it substantially once (on our trip). I would personally say it's a really nifty device that is very very portable, feels indestructible when in its waterproof case (though apparently you can actually break GoPros!) and is really great for taking on-the-go when you are in situations where it's inconvenient to bring a DSLR - e.g. the beach, underwater, etc. Though on the other hand, I found it at times difficult and cumbersome to use when there's no screen to frame your image (you can connect it to your iPhone to look at the screen however GoPros are normally used in-the-moment it can sometimes be bothersome to set this all up first). That said, I'm sure practice makes things much easier. Also, simple video editing software like iMovie cannot export in 4K  (the highest resolution available on our GoPro) so in order to output 4K videos you would need to use more professional software like Final Cut Pro and a computer/laptop that's powerful enough to run it - something I never considered or was brought to my attention until I tried to import the files! I hope this helps anyone who's considering the GoPro Hero4 Black!