How to Organise & Store Your Garden Seeds Collection

I’ve got to admit I’m a bit of a seed collector and absolutely love browsing catalogues and seeing what interesting things are available out there to try and grow. With so many different varieties of veggies, flowers, fruits and herbs available and a massive curiosity in almost everything, I’ve amassed quite a big garden seed collection over the past couple of years.

But how to store them? When I only had a handful of seed packets, I started off by storing them in a little box. That little box slowly became a big lunch box and after a while it started to get out of hand. I tried to then fashion a DIY seed box using an old shoe box but the sizes I had at home just didn’t fit the packets right. So I searched and searched for garden seed organisation ideas and finally settled on my current system, which I think is absolutely awesome!

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If you too are looking for a garden seeds organisation system, then definitely check these boxes out. It’s the Francheville 17 Piece Storage Box from Spotlight which is a large box with 16 individual clear containers inside, with each one being around the size of a photo and the perfect size to store multiple seed packets. It’s made of plastic, I know, but unfortunately there weren’t many options out there and these boxes feel like really great quality and something that will be used for years.

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I bought two of these storage boxes and separated my seeds according to when I’d sow them, labelling one box ‘summer seeds’ and the other box ‘winter seeds’. I know not all seeds fall into either category, but it helps in getting them generally organised.

As for the individual small containers inside, I group all my different variety of pumpkin seeds together and label the box accordingly, all zucchini seeds together, my summer herbs together, and so forth. That way, when I’m looking for things to plant, it’s super easy to find exactly what I need.

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Storing individual seeds:

When it comes to storing seeds in their individual seed packets of seeds I’ve bought, I usually just keep them in the packets that they came in.

If I’m storing seeds that I’ve saved from the garden myself, then I’ll store them in envelopes that I cut in half then fold over and tape up. You can also use paper bags or reuse little zip lock bags that you might already have in hand. Just be sure that any seeds you store have completely dried up before putting them away.

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No matter how you’re organising your seeds, remember to store them in a cool, dry spot out of sunlight. I keep them on a low shelf out of the sun in a dark-ish spot in the home and I make sure that any seeds that I save - in particular seeds like tomatoes and zucchini, have dried out properly before putting them away.

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I hope this post helps in getting your garden seeds organised so that you can spend less time looking for seeds and more time in the garden.

Happy gardening!